August 21, 2024

Launching Nathan Fletcher: Live and Direct

By Craig Hoffmann
Launching Nathan Fletcher: Live and Direct

The green screen look was not the original plan, but sometimes things just come together, and it feels like it was always meant to be. I'm not gonna get into all the details, but I will just start by saying that Nathan Fletcher and the whole Fletcher ohana are kind, generous, good people with great integrity, and they are a pleasure to work with.  I'm not even going to get into their massive contribution to the advancement of action sports- that is another story. I am just going to share how Nathan Fletcher: Live and Direct came to be (from my perspective). 

Last year, Herbie and Dibi Fletcher gave us the honor of managing their vast archive and so the Nalu Vault grew exponentially. This year Nathan decided to do a new show all on his own. So, Nathan and his camera operator friend Marco Arellano started shooting interviews with Nathan's friends. Friends who also happen to be some of the most talented and interesting surfers, athletes and artists on the planet. 

I'm not sure if Nathan planned all this all along, but it made perfect sense when he talked with my brother Derek to see if Nalu Films would be interested in helping to bring this show to life. It was a no-brainer for us. Even without an outside financier, we knew this would be a lot of fun and a great opportunity.  So, when Marco and Nathan showed up at the house with a hard drive full of interviews, we all just shook hands and agreed to make it happen. 

Nathan's one reference was that he liked the look of the raw and honest video series Jeff Grosso's Loveletters to Skateboarding by Vans. So, I checked those out and was inspired. 

At first, I couldn't figure out how to edit this show and make it make sense. The interview content was amazing, but the phone shot of Kelly Slater bouncing around the screen on FaceTime was perplexing.  What do you do with that?  So, I experimented with the green screen look and sent it to Nathan and the team.  Nathan liked it and said it reminded him of Mystery Science Theater 3000.  So there we are- a raw, unfiltered video talk show with a thrown-together, scrapbook-style style, unpolished feel. We have just begun and hope to inform, entertain, and inspire all who come on the journey with Nathan Fletcher: Live and Direct. Thank you for watching.